Functions Of State Haj Committee

Functions of State Haj Committee

The duties of the Committee shall be—

  1. It shall be the duty of a State Committee to implement the policy and directions of the Committee in the interests of Haj pilgrims.
  2. The State Committee shall provide assistance to the Haj pilgrims including in the matter of their transport between their home States and the point of exit from India and their transit accommodation at points of exit.
  3. The State Committee shall discharge such other duties in connection with Haj as may be prescribed by the State Government concerned, in consultation with the Central Government.
  4. to collect and disseminate information useful to pilgrims;
  5. to arrange orientation and training programmes for pilgrims;
  6. to advise and assist pilgrims during their stay at the embarkation points, while proceeding to or returning from pilgrimage, in all matters including vaccination, inoculation, medical inspection, providing of pilgrim passes, Visa, foreign exchange, and to liaise with the local authorities concerned in such matters;
  7. to give relief to pilgrims in distress;
  8. to execute the annual Haj plan after approved by the Central Government and Haj Committee of India;
  9. to co-ordinate with the concerned authorities in facilitating the Haj pilgrims;
  10. to generally look after the welfare of the pilgrims;
  11. to publish such proceedings of the Committee and such matters of interest to pilgrims as may be determined by bye-laws made in this behalf by the Committee;
  12. to discharge such other duties in connection with Haj as may be prescribed by the Central Government and Haj Committee of India.